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Monday, June 14, 20101:23 PM
Boo ! :))
Currently at Jacqi's house now, using her com to update my blog. :D
Came to her house to bake cookies together with Yeefei.
First attempt, -FAILED!!- 
The biscuit somehow no taste, the chocolate chip abit too bitter :x
Gonna try again soon.
Hope our second attempt will success :D
Shall post the results again soon ! :D
Hmm, gtg now to try out. 
Byeee !! :D
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Sunday, June 13, 20106:02 PM
Boo !! :))
Im here to post again !!
Idiot Liow, thanks for helping me with the picture !! ^^
Currently webcam-ing with DINO; Cheahjing and chatting with Gladys DARLING :D
So super fun can !!
Taking out all my PULL POOH and play with her bearbear !!
Hahah, *waves*, *high5*
Haha, today kind of bored..
No programmes on..
Tomorrow probably going to Jacqi's house to bake cookies !! *YAY*
Hmm, gtg now! Going out for dinner soon.
Byeee !! :))

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12:42 AM
Last day meeting gladys and amanda until the day they are free again ... !!!
Jiayous for your N preparation !!
Im sure you guys can do well de :))
Darling, promise me to persevere through out kay ?!?!
Bu neng fang qi !! :)) 

Morning, woke up, prepared, bused down to jp to meet amanda, gladys and justly with kahleong :D
Had subway.. then, 182-ed to arena for pool session.
Reached there, realised that its not open.. I guess its due to some events outside.
182 back and went safra instead :D
Had a lot of fun there :))
Was like laughing all the way.. HAHA
Soon, bus home while they train down to yewtee..
Came home, change then went JP with mummy for steamboat buffet :D *YUMMY*
Then, went NTUC, bought koko krunch and kinder beuno! YAY!! thanks mummy :D
Was chatting on the phone with amanda at that period, haha, she's so funny..
Currently chatting with gladys and hanis :))
Going to sleep soon, so, BYEE! :))
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Friday, June 11, 201010:04 PM
Credits to Cheahjing!! :D

♥ Enjoyed my this whole week with Gladys Darling ♥

This whole week had been slacking around with gladys.
But!!! still did quite a number of hw! *good job kahmin!*
Darling, thanks for accompanying me this whole week. I enjoyed myself a lot. ♥
Argh! This week had come to an end...
Meaning, next week, cant meet you anymore due to your course!
Hope can meet up soon alrights :))
Shall continue texting and calling you :))
Call me when you're free too!!
I'll miss you alot alot. ♥♥

Just came back home from gladys's house not very long ago.
Morning, woke up and went breakfast with brother.
Soon, bathed and went out to meet gladys and jacqi :))
Played with Flatty, soon, went home with gladys.
Slacked, watched tv, joked with her sister, soon, home sweet home! :))
Reached home at around 8. *tired*
Now, currently chatting with joby and webcamming with idiot liow, kristy :))
Heehee, she kept making funny faces to make me laugh!!

Ooh yahh, i finally update my blog! woohooo! *well done!*
Now, searching for blogskin to change. :))
So, i shall stop here and continue looking for my blogskin!
Bye!! :))

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