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Sunday, January 31, 20105:12 PM

today's quite high!
hehe. yay! tomorrow got combine CO pratice!
looking forward to it..
sorry gladys.. i cant make it for the lunch tomorrow.
next time then join you.:D
hope you will have a great lunch with your baby and the other CO members.
tomorrow after school, i have to rush back to get cello.:D
wanling is following me back!
yay yay yay!!!
love you lots.:D
took photo with cello today.:D
today.. stay at home.
hey eugenia and my group members..
sorry for not turning up.
my leg has not recovered yet.
its getting better.
yay!! hehe.
2nd time spraining.
luckily this time, its not as pain as the last time one..(touchwood)
now, my knee is even more pain than my ankle.
my knee damn ugly.:(
now.. chatting with ian.
he's like.. erm.. HILARIOUS.
he got so many questions!
sian.. havent read history. it sucks man!
argh.. need to read it!
have to go now.
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Saturday, January 30, 20107:47 PM

yay! my leg's bandage had been taken out few minutes ago!
its so itchy man!!
still abit swollen.
went to jurongpoint with mummy they all today.
went to buy clothes.
when going in, saw peiqi.:D (CO senior)
smiled and waved at her..
she smiled and waved back.
bought a everlast polo tee.
brother bought for me!
yay yay!!
he so good hor? hahaha.
the tee's colour is red with white stripes.
brother's one is colour white with red stripes.
opposite.. hehe.
after that, went hushpuppies.
at there, saw eugenia.
chat with her awhile.
then, go off lerh.
after that, go NTUC to buy things..
cause, sister boyfriend coming on monday.
yay yay!! :D:D
after that, went home loh..
now chatting with peiqi.
and, going to bathe soon!
so, buhbye people!
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Friday, January 29, 20106:46 PM

saw gladys up there?
haha. CO senior.:D
other than cello/bass seniors, she is the one i know the best already.:D
love her lots.
chatting with her..
but, she went to buy something.
she will be back soon.:D
say hello to her in the morning when i walked past her..
her smile was like.. SWEET!:D
argh! this morning, i fell down!!:(
i sprained my ankle and my knees was like pain!
got two big patch on both knees.:(
so ugly.
when bathing, i was like screaming and screaming!!!
just now when to see doctor. cause, i sprained my ankle.
hope my leg will get well soon!
god bless me.
luckily im very fortunate to have friends like wanling // kristy // kailin // simun // eugenia // adrian // jianyan who was like caring me.
sob.. kristy's phone was confiscated too.
confiscated by my chinese teacher..
kristy.. dont be sad lerh..
cheer up kay?!

yay!! tomorrow is saturday!!
gladys is going out with her baby.
have fun yah!

nothing much to post lerh.
waiting for gladys to be back.
got to go!!
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Thursday, January 28, 20109:51 PM

woo! came back from CO 'not very' long ago.
got cello back!! woowoo!
kept playing ode to joy.
so fun today.. but, abit tiring.
wanxuan was like funny.
get to smile to gladys today:D
glad that she's here. heehee...
hope your stomach is feeling better!!:D

damn.. handphone got confiscated.
aiya.. its the old one. so, nevermind.
that teacher was like no brain lorh..
just take the cover of the phone.
never take battery // simcard // memorycard.
i was like thinking.. must well dont take the phone.
getting it back in 3 days time.
on monday i guess.
now, using back my new phone.
i dont really like it...
touch screen phone makes my hand goes so tired.
i prefer those normal ones..
helping wanling and kailin with the DnT thing now.
kind of busy..
so, got to go!
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Wednesday, January 27, 20109:07 PM

kristy! posted the pictures already.(:
i still put into collage cause too many to put individually.
aiya.. seriously, its because im too lazy to wait for every picture to be uploaded.
woohoooo! i realise i got the same birthday as gladys!
we going to exchange gifts on our birthday!
how i wish today is 18th may.
so that i can change presents with her tomorrow.(:
managed to chat with her these few days.
had alot of fun.(:
she so cute and funny.
yay! she says she will la jiang jun ling when she's free. (i forgot whats the song she want to la to me already.)haha.
hope yours and his relationship will last long long!
yesh! tomorrow got CO!
get to 'touch touch' cello again.
will be bringing wanxuan's cello home tomorrow.
thanks wanxuan.(:
currently chatting with gladys.
just done bathing.(:
well.. want to sleep now.
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Sunday, January 24, 20109:57 PM
hello!! (:
yes!! almost done with my D&T already!!
finally!! :D
yay!! get to see kristy and alot people tom!!
______.. im missing you!! so happy get to chat with you so long today.(:
woohoo!! so happy eileen is finally smiling and starting to feel happy!
am i guessing the right thing?
no matters what, stay happy and smile always alrights!
dont be sad anymore!
i totally love cello and bass section!!
all thanks to you seniors for letting me to LOVE it so much!
next thursday, i want borrow wanxuan's one home.
she allow me to...
yay!!! HAHAHA.
its late now.
i better at least flip through history cause tom got test!!
ohmygod! ohmygod! ohmygod!
well.. nights everyone!
post again.. MAYBE tom.(:
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Saturday, January 23, 20108:35 PM
yay!! changed new blogskin again.:D
dont really like the old one.
gosh!! ever since i got my new phone, i fell in love with pink.
anyways, prefer the blogskin now to the old one.(:
woohoo!! done with my maths and english!!
left with the damn chinese and D&T.
just now afternoon..
on com.. then chat .
chat with kristy!!
and eileen!!(senior.)
had alot of funn chatting with them just now.:D
sob.. eileen is sad.
eileen! cheer up ar!!
hahaha. i know i had been telling you this alot of time already.
hehehe. remember to :D:D:D.
and also, thanks for linking me ar..(:
anyways, i changed my blog song too.(:
sorrysorry. hehe.
well.. i gtg now.
want to chiong the damn chinese.
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Thursday, January 21, 20108:31 PM

arh.. so sorry for not posting for maybe weeks.
damn busy!!!
busy with school homework!!
it sucks man!!!
reaching home quite late these few days.
not even have time to take a nap..
yahoo!! today its finally thurs!!
tom.. fri..
and the day after tom, woohooooo!! sat!!
can sleep sleep sleep!!!
btw.. just came back from co.
get to play cello again!
funfunfun!! although hand very tired.
hehe. i love sectional co!
of course combine one too.(:
seniors there are realy fun!
love them lots.(:
tom, going back to jurongwestpri.
meeting mrsnorizham at 1.15pm.
people who can make it, please be there.(:
btw.. hey kristy!! the photos up there are for you.(:
the jianyan is really hilarious!!!!
(dont pss here pss there) HAHAHA!!
well.. i gtg now.
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Friday, January 8, 20105:20 PM
hello guys.(:
sorry for not posting for so long.
cause, im quite busy this week.
whole week, orientation week.
feeling damn sleepy now.
today, just came back from orientation camp.
awwww! so fun!!
1A rocks!!
very happy.. able to meet alot of new friends.
even starting to enjoy with the boys already.
it was a totally memorable camp for me.
so happy i get to bathe!!!
hahaha. i smell nice after that.(:
we had been cheering and cheering.
and now, my voice sounds so 'sexy!'
haha. no voice already.. when i talk, it sounds like.. abit out of tune.
haha. now, strepsils is needed!!
i dont mind if others buy for me. haha. just kidding.
the campfire is really wonderful!!!
thats when my voice turn out to be.. SEXY!
anyways, i really enjoyed screaming and cheering.
so, overall, to me, its worth.
cause, i really enjoyed myself alot alot.
tom, school will be holding a cca fair.
going to join chinese orchestra.(:
i want to join C&B section.
for info, its cello and bass.
well.. i really damn sleep now.
want to sleep.
buhbye guys!!
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Friday, January 1, 20102:35 PM
yawn!!! just woke up.
yesterday reached home at around 2plus.
damn tired.
yesterday, went to the boonlay there for countdown.
with mummy //daddy // mummy's friends // mummy's friends's children. haha.
the emcee is mark lee.
nice!! (:
they were damn funny.
got quite a number of performance by idols.
we were screaming like hell yesterday.
mummy was totally high.
she was so cute yesterday. hahaha.
at around 11.10, starting to wait for countdown.
then, for the last 10 secs, we started to scream!!
10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
haha. then, scream and scream and scream..
then, got fireworks!!!
very nice! it will be uploaded at my facebook.
finally, they played the song 'auld lang syne'
ohmygosh!! that song is totally.. THUMBS UP!
i love that song.
then when we going home, we sat at the back of the lorry.
we were screaming up there.
whenever we saw someone walked past, we will shout HAPPYNEWYEAR!
then, wave and wave.
haha. although it sounds crazy, its totally fun!!
we shout that especially to indians..
cause, they are the ones that will really reply us.
there are really alot yesterday..
those near big roads..
they were really waving and smiling at us.
then, went to have some drinks.
and, went home.
yesterday was really totally a fun and memorable day.
it will etched vividly in my mind and my heart.
well.. i gtg now.
see you guys soon!
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