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Tuesday, October 27, 20091:15 PM
yoohoo people....
todae went to school as per normal.
nothing much to elaborate.
well...tmr going to juying sec..
lame shit sia..
that school super disgusting lorh.
so dirty.
then,tmr doing rock climbing.
now chatting wif wen..
well...gtg now.
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Monday, October 26, 200910:06 PM
yoohoo people!!
its rather late now..
here for a short post..
erm..todae,the dae was quite an enjoyable one..
all thanks to shufang.
well..i gtg now!!!
indeed the post is short.
sleep tight and sweet dreams!!
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Sunday, October 25, 200912:39 PM
yoohoo people!!
wen did not online..
haix..miss her..
yesterdae night,chatted wif her until 12am i think?
hmm..now preparing...
going to my uncle's house soon.
hope it will be fun!
currently chatting wif xinying and ezzati now.
well.i gtg now!!
sry for the short post.
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Saturday, October 24, 20098:55 PM
yoohoo peeps!!
now gonna do the quiz tagged by berrin!:)
here we go!!!
The 15 Peeps!! =D

#1.WenLin aka LesboForeva!! <33

#2. Ezzati aka Honey!! <33

#3. Jamie aka Bestie!! <33

#4. Hidayahh'6D aka Joker,BestFwen!! <33

#5. Aiseen aka BestFwen!! <33

#6. LiXin aka Elmo,Bestie <33

#7. Rick aka CuteOne,BestFwen!! <33

#8. Dorothy aka BestFwen!! <33

#9. LinYuan aka NetballRival!! <33

#10. Shariff aka Lesbo!! <33

#11. XinYing aka BestFwen <33

#12. XinYi'Lee aka BestFwen <33

#13. TingFeng aka BestFwen <33

#14. JunXiang aka SoCutee,BestFwen!! <33

#15. Juliet aka Bestie!! <33

Q1. when did uue meet #11? [ XinYing ] -hmm..since k2!!hehe..

Q2. how long did uue noe #4? [ Hidayahh ] - for around 1 year plus?

Q3. have uue fall in love with #9 before? [ LinYuan ] - nahh..later dorothy kill mie..hehe

Q4. did uue bully #14 before? [ JunXiang] - nahh..i dont dare..hahas

Q5. whats #10 favourite food? [ Shariff ] - no idea..i guess is the fish cracker.

Q6. will #3 fall in love with #15? [ Jamie and Juliet ] - i think no barh..they are not lesbians aniwaes.

Q7. what will uue do if #5 kisses uue? [ Aiseen ] - hmm..i will let wenlin settle this.hahas...

Q8. how is #6 related to uue? [ LiXin ] - classmates ; bestfwenz

Q9. if #12 cry infront of uue,what will uue do? [ XinYi'Lee] - try to cheer her up ; look for xinying to cheer her up.(a even better one)

Q10. what will uue react if #8 wears a skirt? [ Dorothy ] - no idea..see her wearing skirt from mon-fri...

Q11. when was the last time uue saw #13? [ TingFeng ] - last week.

Q12. when was the last time uue chatted with #11? [ XinYing ] - still chatting wif her right now.

Q13. have uue ever pissed off with #15? [ Juliet ] - dont think so barh..unless there is a reason behind it.

Q14. will uue beat #9 if uue can? [ LinYuan ] - nahh...she is my bestfwen..i will never do that!crazie...

Q15. can #14 cycle on a bike? [ JunXiang ] - think so barh..he dares to try out everything.

Q16. who is #2's best friend? [ Ezzati ] - ohno!!got so many!!erm..common ones..yanti,mie,wenlin,jamie,aiseen,lixin,hidayahh,syairah,cass tay..animore??i dontknow.

Q17. what sch is #6 from? [ LiXin ] - jwps lorh!!but changing school soon!

Q18. do uue think #10 is smart? [ Shariff ] - yeah!!

Q19. how long have uue known #1? [WenLin ] - for 6 years!!since p1!hehe

phew!!quiz finally done!!
gtg now!!
buhbye peeps!!
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6:50 PM
yoohoo people!!
currently chatting wif ezzati and xinying.
juz now went to the bugis there to buy something wif my daddy and mummy.
then,came back at around 4.30pm.
then,never online.
watch tivee..
btw juz now at around 12.30pm i think,i watched the "prove it" show at okto..
so cool!!
they did alot of experiments...
erm..juz finished my dinner.
wen is coming back from her grandma's house soon.
tmr,there's a house warming held at my uncle's condo.
if im not wrong,i said it before...
so excited!!

well..i gtg now!

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Friday, October 23, 200910:26 PM
yoohoo people...
this smilebox is specially done for wenlin,ezza,jayjay,aiseen!
hope uue gals like it..
juz to sae something to uue gals...
uue gals rocks!!!
i reallie love all of uue.
thanks for brightening up my every single dae.
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: BestFwenForeva!
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well..its rather late now.
i gtg now...
nitez to all of uue!!
sleep tight and have a sweet dream!!
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6:08 PM
ohh yah!!
something to add on..
well..wenlin(my sergeant poh) is coming back tmr!!!
omg i miss her so much uue all know?
she knows it.
i had been telling her that every single dae.
well..once again,gtg!!
erm..wanna go do the smilebox thingie to post on my blog..
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6:00 PM
yoohoo people!!
back from jurongpoint wif mummy.
before that,i went to jamie's house wif ezzati and yanti.
they went there to cut their hair/fringe.
so funnie!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant stop laughing juz now.
at jurongpoint,saw mswen!!!
ohh godd!
luckily she never saw mie.
then,i ask her if she is at jurongpoint.
then she sae yupp..she had juz finished marking the psle papers.
then,she sae i verie bad.
never go sae hi to her.
then she still sae ask mie to win for the captain ball competition.
then,i told her not to choose the strong ones in her class.
must show mercy.
then,after buying all things,went home.
daddy drive us home.
now,chatting wif lixin.
she on webcam.
omg!she keep kissing her elmo.
it was so TINY!!
so dirty..
hahas...shh!dont tell her.
well..gtg now.
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Thursday, October 22, 20096:09 PM

yoohoo peoples!!!

todae,went to jurongpoint wif ezzati.
go there shopping!!
i went to buy a comb juz now.
then i keep combing and combing then ezza verie frustrated.
coz i juz rebonded and cut my fringe yesterdae so not used to it...
mie and ezza keep getting electric shock and i keep scolding her ____...
hahas...but i was juz kidding..
ezza..uue know one larh horh.
and,i oso forced to go and cut her fringe.
coz mie wen and yanti fringe now short.
then i sae if she dont cut then all one out.
hahas..i so bad..
erm...then maybe she tmr go cut.
at around 5pm,went home.
now currently chatting wif ezza and yanti.
btw..so excited for sundae to come.
my uncle will be holding a house warming at his condo.
well..gtg now.

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Wednesday, October 21, 20096:27 PM
yoohoo people!!
todae,went to jamie's house to do something to my hair.
i went to cut my fringe short then rebond it.
both jamie and ezza sae its quite nice.
but ii dontknow.
well..mie and wenlin keep chatting using sms.
hehe..reallie reallie miss her alot.
hope she can be back soon but she will onli be back on sat.
and oso she sae she is going to jamie's house to rebond her fringe too..
well..i gtg now.
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Tuesday, October 20, 20097:02 PM
yoohoo people!
todae was such a tiring dae...
i was out from 10.30am-6pm!!
cool man!
went out wif jayjay and aiseen.
went the watch the deadly tsunami.
indeed infront was bored but kinda funnie.
behind was totally sad...
aiseen's and my tears rolled down our cheeks.
it was damn touching...
all die die die!!!
and there is one man that is funnie.
and he was damn lucky!
well..after the movie,ezza came to join us.
then eat lunch...
then go arcade.
go plae car racing wif jayjay..
she lost all the games!
damn funnie.
then,she went off earlier..she went off at around 4.30pm?
i dontknow..
erm..it's coz of some reasons.

then,we saw kaixuan and weihao.
then,shopping lorh!
after that,went to the interchange to take bus home.
i waited the bus for almost half an hour and it still havent come lorh!
then i went to take other bus home.
stupid lorh!
tmr wanna go sue the SBS company.
juz kidding!no money how sue!
now chatting wif ezzati.
todae wenlin did not join us and it was not as funn as i think.
then,i ask her how was her stae there..
then she juz tell mie one word.
well..i gtg now.
buhbye people!!
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