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Friday, July 31, 20098:05 PM

long tym nv post at tis blog....
so today i post lor...lol...
i kept on tagging than posting..

is it true? mint sad sad? y?
mint-dun be :( :(...must be :):) always...hehe....
be cheerful always too!

gtg now!

mint-**post more ..k??**


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8:05 PM
Hey POHWENLIN!!!!!!!thanks for rescuing my blog yah!!i appreciate it alot!!!!
Love yah.....
Really sorry ar...i really have no tym for posting....
Juz woke up.....not really feeling very well...somehow like having flu.
But...not H1N1!!i am totally fine...juz took my medication.
I had took a nap for around 3 hours so feeling much more better lerhs..
WenLin!!no more panda eyes lerh.
I really wan to thank to WenLin and Ezzati.
Both of them had really helped my alot.
Thanks for being beside mie when i nid u gals yah..
I appreciate it alot.
You gals rox my world!!!
WenLin,thanks for the promise you gave mie arh..
I will alwaes remember it.
But then i will be pestering you alwaes starting from this minute!!!
I will go n knock ur door at 3 am later...hehe jkjk...
And oso i really wanna thank all my besties!!
You shud noe who you are.
Haix...if you really donoe....I will sae out then.
Probably thats all....Luv you gals!!!
Really hope that i will have more tym to post even more.
I will try to post almost every dae then.
Erm...i got to go lerhs.BuhBye!!
Wishing you all happy weekends!!

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4:17 PM
aloha mint's fwens!!!
im here to save mint's blog!!!
its dying liao le!!!
kahmin 2dae veri sad
dun tell u y la

we played alot actualli
hor mint hor
u noe arh actualli....
er i tink better nt sae la
tis is nt my blog
better nt sae it
later my gd fwen angry than i noe arh
she now tired go rest
i wan gib her surprise.so i jus help her anihow post lor
i ver kpo hor??
me bad bad
okaes dun sae too much liao le..buhbyes!!!
alwaes luv yah!!
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Saturday, July 18, 20091:32 PM
Halo Fwenzz....I noe my blog is dieing liao so i am here to post....Sry ar...really no tym n not in the mood to post.Hope you all can understand.The past few days of Hw is lyk stacks of papers and papers.See till wan faint alr...Haix....so stress up!!Hahas.Erm...as for the past few days,XinYing XinYi Aiseen had been coming to my house.Do hw do project n of course plae n fite.Hahas.Mondae they coming to my hus again as we havent finish out HE project.WTF!!!so the damn difficult.Erm..thats all i wanna post lah.Got to go!BuhBye!


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Friday, July 10, 20095:01 PM
Yo Fwenz juz came back....Erm...dun really have any more nice pictures to put alr.Sry..Juz came back from PioneerMall.Went there wif the same people as yesterdae but juz now SanYin came to join us.Juz now she borrowed the oral paper from mie as she had lost it n when she reached home,she had lost my paper too!So she came to PioneerMall to look for JieJie for the paper n she photocopied it at the second level.Then...chat n chat n todae we played sth different but its around the same as yesterdae.Instead,todae we played the game that is sth lyk Don'tForgetTheLyrics.We played our songs then if we noe how to continue it,we will bang the table then we will sing the song until suddenly stop then we will have to continue n when we had sang a minimum of 2 sentence,we will earn ourselves 1 point.Hahas quite lame...Erm...to my dearest WenLin...Sorry when u messaged mie juz now,i was outside so i couldn't online.I am really sorry.Hope u can forgive mie.Hahas.Erm...after that we went home.I went home quite early as compared to yesterdae as i have tuition.Erm...got to go to chiong my tuition hw lerhs.Buhbye!


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Thursday, July 9, 20095:18 PM

Hiie everyone!Sorry for not posting for the past few daes as i am not in the mood.Let mie tell u wad had happen...Erm..let mie try to recall.Let mie juz start from yeaterdae then.

Went to school as per normal.During Maths lesson,some of my classmates were separated.Miss WenLin.Hahas.Then the stupid MdmGoh go put mie in a place whr nobody is...Then there is no one to tok to mie n i am damn BORING!!!!Stupid!!So....i must well ignore wadeva she sae n i must as well sleep.Hence...for the pass few days of lesson, i did not even understand wad is she toking abt.As for my MeiMei(Ezza)...i am not sad lah...its juz tat i am boring n when i see the MdmGoh's stupid face,i am not even in the mood to smile or even laugh.As for Science lesson,quite fun.MsWen damn funny.I bet she had watched HannahMontana movie as the wae she tok sounds lyk Miley!Her actions too!HahasAfter school,stayed back to complete Maths Ws as i purposely didn't do!Dun wan to do!Hu cares?Then after school,sat in the same table wif Adlin and Fizah..So sianz.Also,did not went to PioneerMall wif JieJie they all as by the tym i finished,its alr 2pm..Hence,went back after that.

Went to school as per normal once again......During English lesson,papers n papers!So boring.....Then after school,went to PioneerMall wif JieJie(XinYing)MeiMei(Ezzati)Lesbo(XinYi)And Fwenz(BerlindaAndJuliet).Went there for lunch.The stupid Khairul go throw pepper n salt at JieJie!Feel lyk giving hym a punch.But..by the tym,he had ran away.he is such a big COWARD!!!Aiya...then dun care hym lerhs.We played songs n guessed wad is the title.Hahas So fun.Then its lyk most of the songs is by Mie n Ezza.The XinYing shouted the song TouchMyBody eveytym we plays it.So funny.Then juz now told them some disgusting things.Not possible to tel.Hahas.Erm...then after that at around 4pm,the rest of them went home then Mie n Ezza went to the 2nd lvl to photocopy my oral ws for Kamales has she had lost it.After that,went home.Thats all for the two days.Got to go to chat now.BuhBye!


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Sunday, July 5, 20097:27 PM

Halo Fwenz!Todae went to Mac to do Hw wif SiewHui then XinYi n JieJie(XinYing) came to join us.I finally finished one of my Maths ws n now only left wif the last Maths ws for my Hw.Hahas.So happy.But...still haven learn dictation.So difficult lor.Still nid to memorise.Erm....then at there,we kept on laughing until lyk hell lor.Laugh n laugh.Awhile,XinYi went home lerhs.Haix..then mie JieJie n SiewHui took photos.We kept on doin funny post then we keep laughing till damn loud then got 2 crazy idiot gal keep on scolding bad words abt us.Hu cares?Then mie n XinYing scolded back n we keep on lyk lalala while SiewHui is "checking" my maths.(u all should noe wad i meant).Hahas.Then at around 6.30pm,went home.Then rain so heavily.But nehmind.Quite fun.Erm..got to go for dinner lerhs.Buhbye


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Saturday, July 4, 200910:56 PM
Ello fellas!Todae,i will not post any pictures as i did not take any photos todae.Todae...did nth much.Woke up at 12.15pm.Sleep until very shiok.Hahas.Then brush my teeth n use com.Ezza(SpongyElmo)and XinYi(AhLee)onlined.Chat wif them.Then,ask XinYi if she can follow me to PioneerMall to have lunch as i am goin to meet XinYing(JieJie)there at 3pm after her tuition to return her her charger.She left it at my house yesterdae.Then while waiting for her,mie n XinYi did some of our Hw.I did Maths then some i donoe so i ask her lor.After awhile,Ezza came n join us too as her handbook is left at my hus.Then orh..so funny. She thought i said her "handphone" was at my hus then she sae it was lost then i was lyk how come i still saw it yeterdae.Then when i passed it to her she said oh is handbook not handphone.Then she said she heard i sae handphone then it was lyk so funny.Aiyo..everything oso at my hus.Hahas.Then after awhile,we went home.Went home,online for 30 mins then went into the room n half watch tevee,half sleep.Hahas.Erm...tats all for todae lah.Currently wanting to go do some other things lerh.Got to go now.Buhbye!


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Friday, July 3, 20099:01 PM
Yo Everybody!Todae,XinYi XinYing Ezzati Aiseen came to my house.So fun.We laugh lyk crazy.Then when they reached my home,after awhile,we went to PioneerMall to buy bubbletea.After buying,we came back home.We sang songs using the lyrics at youtube.After that,they called mie to plae some sad songs and plae all the photos in my friendster.Its like so touching n memorable.Hahas. Then the Ezzati and Aiseen did their Hw while Mie XinYing XinYi are playing.They so hardworking orh?Hahas.Btw...i had not much Hw left as i chiong alot during MT lesson.Now i am only left wif the two stupid Maths Ws.Then they went home at roughly 5pm then Ezza nid go first so she went off then Mie XinYing XinYi Aiseen went to Mac to chat chat awhile then i went to tuition.Erm..now currently chattig with XinYi and Ezza.Sending all the pictures we had taken juz now to Ezza using MSN.Thats all i wanted to share with u guys todae.Erm...after reading any of my post,pls tag.Got to go.Buhbye!


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Thursday, July 2, 20098:04 PM

Halo Everybody...Todae went to school as per normal.Forgot to sign the stupid Maths ReviewH then serve a detention.Aiya...detention only marh.Hahas.Erm...then during that tym,MdmGoh call us read storybooks then Mie&Hidayah never read.We chat chat plae plae.Then MdmGoh see.She released the rest of them but not Mie&Hidayah.Aiya....nehmind lah.Hahas..Erm..after school straight went home.Did not follow them to PioneerMall for lunch.Then when come back,online,view blogn blah blah blah lah.Then,took a nap.Nth much to sae lerhs.Got to go.Buhbye

Come on!!Don't be sad anymore!Cheer up kays?I really miss ur laughing sound.I want to see u laugh until cry not sad until cry okay?Haha.Erm...if u r feeling sad or dull,come n look for mie kays?I will be there to act silly for u to try to make you laugh.Haha!!!That's all for uue.BuhBye!


First award of course to LeeXinYi!!(thanks for being my lesbo n being beside mie when i nid u.love yah)

Second award to ChiaXinYing!!(thanks for also being beside mie when i nid u n cheering mie up when i am feel dull.thanks!love yah!)

Third award to PohWenLin!!!(hey pal!!thanks for acting crazy n silly with mie.Haha.JiaYous!)

Fourth award to NurEzzatiBteMohdTahir!!(yo galfwen.hahas.erm...thanks for supporting me!!hahas..really hope that u can be back as the ezzati i alwaes see.from wad i see,this isn't ezzati.the ezzati i noe is happy n alwaes laugh not lyk this.hope that u can proof to mie that u r the real ezzati.)

Fifth the last award to TanSiewHui!!!(hey sexymould!!haha jkjk.erm...thanks for making mie laugh lyk crazy everytym ar.hope u can improve ur habit by stop slapping Mie XinYing n XinYi.haha.)

There is one special award i want to present to MsWen!!!
Hey MsWen!!Thanks for helping us so much wif our Science.I really appreciate it alot.And..thanks for the small note u had given mie before SA1.Really hope this year we can win something for our school for the Netball competition.

This are all the awards i wanted to present.hahas.

Let's us cheer for them!!
The three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for awarders. Hip hip HOORAY!! Hip hip HORRAY!!Yea!!!!
(Learnt from MsWen during Netball CCA as i was the one shouting the cheers.Hahas)


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Wednesday, July 1, 20097:08 PM
JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

hi!!!thks mint!!! letting mie 2 be the admin of the blog(again)...ya...erm....nth 2 say lei... ...

Miss my lesbo:P
JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes
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6:10 PM
hey hey kahmin thx 4 inviting me hor.hehe
JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

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6:03 PM
Halo Readers!!Hahas..Erm...Todae after school went to PioneerMall to have lunch again wif XinYing XinYi SiewHui Juliet SiMun Berlinda.After lunch,JieJie(Stars)and SiewHui went to buy bubbletea then XinYi n Juliet came to my hus.Actually our plan is to do Hw but in the end,we only did sth lyk 1 qn then we used the rest of the tym to plae com(chatting)and take pictures.Hahas.Haix...now still left wif so many Hws.Erm...got to go lerhs.Buhbye!


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