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Tuesday, June 30, 20094:04 PM

Halo Fwenz!Something to introduce.The picture there are all taken with my besties.Btw....juz now went to PioneerMall and have lunch wif XinYing XinYi Aiseen SiewHui SiMun Berlinda n Juliet.After finished lunch at KouFu,went Mac to chat chat.At there saw MsMonique MsNorain and one more teacher but donoe hu.At there i fought wif XinYing.She kept using her comb sharp part to poke mie then i not happy then i hit her...Then we kept on fighting at there then i think the teachers are all looking at us but nehmind.Hu cares..Haha.Btw..juz now during Maths lesson got punished n asked to stand at the back of the class as i kept on playing wif Kamales.Then the stupid MdmGoh thought i distract her but actually she is the one hu started irritating mie first mah..Then MdmGoh never punish Kamales but punish mie!!!!But...actually nehmind coz i am used to it.Haha.At around 2.10pm,we went home.Before we went home,the teachers left first.The MsMonique hit XinYi n my shoulder n sae HURRY UP GO HOME!!!!..Hahaz.Erm...nth much to sae liao.
Got to go now...Buhbye!!!


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Monday, June 29, 20096:50 PM
Halo Fwenz...Erm sry for not posting for the past few days.Erm...reason is basically becoz i had to rush my Hw n my bro had to rush his Hw using com as well.Sorry....Hope u guys can forgive mie...Hahaz..Todae is the first dae of school!!!YooHoo!!Can see all my BestFwenz.Hahas.Its like theres no different in class as last tym.Collected Hw n Hw.Then MrsNorizham gave out new TimeTable.Theres not much different.Todae Kamales n TingFeng never come...Haix..so sianz.Juz finished my dinner.Now currently chatting wif MyLesbo:XinYi.
Got to go to chat wif her now.Buhbye!


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Thursday, June 25, 20099:57 PM
Halo Darlings!!!Sorry for not posting yesterdae as i dun have a chance.Erm...btw...yesterdae wad i did ar?I forgot liao...Oh yah!!!Yesterdae i went movie wif Stars,AhLee,SiewHui n her mum.We watched DragMeToHell.Damn scary!!!!!!!Mie n Stars had been shouting n screaming non-stop.During the movie,most of the tym we used to scream.Haha.However,AhLee is calm while Mie,Stars,SiewHui is hugging each other n scream.But,luckily i did not have any nightmare when i sleep last nite.Btw...as for todae,i waked up at 12pm.Haha!Went to 900 plus for my "brunch" wif my bro n mum...Erm..JieJie(Stars),sorry for not accompanying u to PioneerMall for lunch.Really sorry.When back from my brunch,start to chiong my HW!!!Yipee!!!now only left wif last English specimen paper!!Damn happy.Haha.Erm...gtg to chat now.Buhbye!!!


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Tuesday, June 23, 20098:05 PM

Halo Fwenz...Todae,XinYi n SiMun came to maii hus.We played com,did some HW n watched tevee.We only did abit of HW.We had been watching tevee.Juz now XinYi n SiMun so sway.Their head kept on banging onto the window.So funny.Haha.Erm...then at 4.10pm,we left my house tuhgether,they went home n i went to tuition.Haix...tuition so sian.Not fun at all.Erm...nth much more to sae.Got to go now.Buhbye!!!


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Monday, June 22, 20098:36 PM

Halo fwenz...Woah todae is such a tiring but fun dae.Todae went to swimming wif XinYi SiewHui JiaEn n SiMun.We had been swimming from 10am-4.30pm.So fun man!!!!We did alot of weird weird things like rowing continuosly in the water n doing hand stand.I got sunburnt lor.Then damn pain!!OMG!!!!Btw...XinYing canot go so sad.Really wish that she could go actually.My whole body now like all so redn pain!!!!Erm...nth else more to sae liao.Feeling so sleepy le.Got to go now.BuhBye!


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Sunday, June 21, 20096:25 PM

Halo fwenz!!Juz came back from PioneerMall Mac.Mie SiewHui n XinYi went there to do our HW.So fun!!Hahaz...Btw...tmr I goin swimming wif SiewHui,XinYi,SiMun n XinYing.Really hope i can have alot of fun n enjoy myself.Well....nth much to sae liao.Got to go to prepare for the Fathers' Dae dinner.Buhbye!!


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Saturday, June 20, 20096:05 PM
Halo Readers!Here to tel u guys what i did todae!!!!!Woke up at 11am then brush teeth n blah blah blah.Then,ate my "brunch".After that,went to the swimming complex that is opposite my hus for a swim with my brother.At there,saw June n her sis too!!After swimming for around 2hours,went home.Watch n watch tevee n nth else.

GTG now!!!BuhBye!!


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Friday, June 19, 20093:44 PM

Haloooooooooooooo fwenz...yesterdae really enjoyed myself at Rick's burfdae party.Hope that he had enjoyed hymself too.Yesterday we had played alot of games...Soo fun!How i wish the tym would stop there.Really thanks to XinYing for being wif mie every minute n hour.I really did not regret to go.There is also some good news to share!!!Our maths supple is cancelled due to the H1N1.And even our holidaes may extend!!Cool man!!HAHA.Erm..wanna go get readyfor tuition liao.


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Thursday, June 18, 20093:53 PM
Halo Fwen....Currently at SAFRA land gaming.Rick treat us to play for 2 hrs!!!!HAHA..Btw...later goin to help him celebrate...Hope that he can really enjoy himself today.GTG now..BuhBye!!!


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Wednesday, June 17, 200910:55 AM
Hey fwenz...so boring...seems like nothing to post.Btw...lazy to transfer picture from hp to com so today nv put picture.Sorry...The past few days,had been hanging out wif XinYing SiewHui n SiMun.Two days ago,we went to PioneerMall for lunch then they came to my hus n they wanted mie to help them wif their blog.I had finished wif the SiewHui's blog..feeeeeeeeewwwwww.....N yesterdae mie n SiewHui wet to XinYing hus actually decided to do HW but in the end,we wasted all our tym in playing n laughing.but i still think it worth..Haha.Haix....nth more to write liao.
GTG buhbye!!!


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Sunday, June 14, 200911:09 PM

I am really sick n tired of being lied again n again...I am really very sad n irritated now but i donoe wad am i supposed to do!i am really feeling very dull now n how i wish he would be beside mie to lend mie his listening ear n cheer mie up but i noe that this is impossible.I am really trying to gif her another chance but it is really very difficult.....Now i am only left wif one person i can trust n be wif her....Haix.....really donoe wad am i suppose to do!!!!!
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Friday, June 12, 20097:46 PM
Halo Fwenz....came back from Singapore Discovery Centre liao.Very fun!But,Ezza never go so only mie XinYi and JiaEn go only.We had took quite a number of pictures there.

Other things

Thats all the pictures i want to post here.If u wan more pictures,please go to my facebook and friendster profile.Thanks

At there,we watched the 3D movie of WhalesAndDolphin n MonsterVSAliens.When we were watching the movie,we weared a weird weird specs.Then during the WhalesAndDolphins movie,the creatures all like coming to eat us when we put on the specs.So cool!!!From that movie,i had learnt alot of things n i know that now,alot of Whales n Dolphins r close to extinction n the Fin Whale is already at the HIGH risk of extinction.Its like so pitiful....And oso i finally know that the seacow has a broad n thin tail.I think most likely is for it to flip n allow them to swim faster.As for the MonsterVSAliens,i think that its abit childish lah.


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Thursday, June 11, 200911:44 PM
Haloo Fwenz,came back from Escape Theme Park liao.Very fun!At there,saw SiewHui & SiMun.Thus, in the end we kept on playing tuhgether.We played the sailor boat continuosly.So fun n oso we kept on shouting for nothing.Then,we veri dizzy liao so we actually decided to go to HauntedHouse then when the worker suddenly take the ghost head out n scare us,we so scared then we dun wan go liao.So,we played the Superman thingie.Then,even more dizzy liao.So angry lor....actually i wan to play the Flipper n Rainbow but they were not opened!!!Then at 6.30pm,i went to join my mummy at the chalet for barbecue then SiewHui n SiMun went home.
GotToGo Now...BuhBye!!


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12:37 PM

Haloo fwenz!!!Yipee later goin Escape Theme Park wif my mum n her fwenz!!!Haha sooooo excited.Btw..tmr goin Singapore Discovery Centre wif XinYi,Ezza n Jane!!!Actually wanted to ask MsWen along but she will be out of Singapore so nehmind lor.But,she asked mie to take lots of pictures as she wanted to post in the 6B's blog.So,i will take alot of pictures tmr n i may post it in this blog.Haha soo excited!GotToGo now.Later come back maybe then post more.BuhBye.
Missing XinYi and hope that she can enjoy herself in the SnowCity.


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Wednesday, June 10, 20098:33 PM

Haloooooooo everyone!!!Today go supple in the morning.Got both Maths and Science supple.Science supple so fun!!!MsWen today oso very good.Then,went to buy lunch alr then went home.....Nothing much to write todae.And yarh.....my mummy allow mie to go SingaporeDiscoveryCenter wif my lesbo n many more alr.....!!!!GotToGo!BuhBye!!!


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6:41 PM
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Tuesday, June 9, 20097:15 PM

Ello....er...todae nth much to add on but after supple straight come back coz got tuition.Then,before tuition,went to Jamie's hus to chiong tuition Hw.See the mother help people style hair all like so cool.Juz finished my dinner n now wanna chiong HW liao
GTG buhbye!
Missing XinYi&XinYing


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Monday, June 8, 20099:19 PM

Haloo everyone!Today got supple from 8.30am-12pm.After supple,went to PioneerMall to have lunch n secretly took some pictures of MsWen .Then,straight go GekPoh wif my Mummy.Btw...before going to take the bus,saw the crazy SiewHui.Then,sae BuhBye to her and left.Went to GekPoh to buy some groceries then went home.Rushed home to bathe then go tuition.Mie n Jamie went for today's lesson as we did not go for the last Friday one so today make up.After tuition,came back.Eat dinner then do HW.
Nothing else to sae liao larh.BuhBye


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4:09 PM
ImageChef Word Mosaic - ImageChef.com

hie everyone!! i'm the new author of tis blog...
actually ihave more picture 2 post but the size is too big...sry...u might seen tis photo be4...
well...1st time posting in tis blog...nth speacial 2 post...
miss you...mint...
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Sunday, June 7, 20097:57 PM

Haloo everyone!Changed blogskin again.For sure,Stars will scold mie crazy.Haha.Btw...juz now,went to PioneerMall(Mac)wif XinYi Ezza n SiewHui.We did some of our HW there.Really enjoyed fighting wif SiewHui. Haha.Then she kept on slapping n toot mie one lor.Pain pain leh.After that,Stars came to join us after her Noverty tuition.Took some pics there.And finally,able to take a pic wif SiewHui liao.Haix....nth else to sae liao leh.Wanna eat dinner liao.Ah yah...tmr got supple.Tmr's subject is Maths n Science.GTG.Buhbye!!


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Saturday, June 6, 20097:21 PM

haloo everyone!really damn lazy to post lor.haix...really missed my XinYi.Haha.btw...this few dayz kept hanging out wif XinYi,XinYing,SiewHui n SiMun.Also,we were damn crazy about the LittleMiss/Mr.We had wasted alot of our money on that.HaHa.But,still enjoyed n think that its worth n were actually influenced by SiewHui n SiMun.Yesterday,went to stadium wif XinYi,XinYing,SiewHui,SiMun,Kamales n Aiseen.Play play n chat chat there.We oso bought alot of the LittleMiss/Mr keychain there.Then,today,went to JP wif XinYi,XinYing,SiewHui,SiMun,Ezza,Jane.Went there,bought the keychain again.And now,i am only short of 3 more!!!How i wish i can get LittleMissNaughty And MrStrong becoz they r limited addition!!!!!!!!!Cool orh???Then orh,when we were at MAC of JP,we saw a man suddenly fell n he kept on shaking n shaking.It juz looks like he is having electric shock like that.So SCARY!!!!!!!Then,some kind ones carried him up onto a bed that is nearby as they were actually having a promotion n there is bed along the way.Suddenly,he stopped shaking then he is like fainted.He rested on the bed for awhile then he had alot of coldsweat!!!oso he vomitted!!!Mie n jane almost vomitted as well.But,nevertheless,we continued our chatting.The TanSiewHui kept on slapping mie lor.haha.but orh,play play nia lah.Juz now,mie n XinYi kept on stealing her fries when she is fighting wif XinYing.Then so funny one lor.After she realised that,she come n toot mie lor.SoPainful!!!!!!!!!!!After that,we went to the shop near FairPriceExtra then we bought badges there.So Fun.After buying,took 193 wif SiewHui n we went all.Juz finished my dinner n blogging now.
GotToGo to chat now.BuhBye!!!


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Thursday, June 4, 20096:30 PM

Haloooo!Today after school,stayed back to rushed my science concept map as i had to hand up today n i was actually lazy to do yesterday so asked permission from MsWen to hand it in after Maths supple.Rushed n rushed n rushed n finally done!!!So happy!!!Today,saw MsChew that has changed to MrsChan came back to our school as she had actually left the school last year.Really missed alot!!!Seemed like she is pregnant now.Hope that she can have a peaceful pregnancy n gif birth to a cute and pretty/handsome baby.As for wad i did todae,went to have lunch wif my lesbo,XinYi n of course my 2 best fwenz,XinYing n Aiseen.Went to Mac have icecream haha.Took some photos.After that,rushed home as i met Yanti at the lift there as we wanted to go Stadium.At there,saw the Trach&Field members wif MrMahadeh(donoe how spell).Rick sprint like a wind!!So the jealous.haha.Then,we ran to the top n at there,saw 2 tennis balls then we actually took n play wif it.So fun!Mie n XinYing threw the ball from below n Yanti n Kamales through down at the top.They very wad lor.When we were standing close to them,they purposely threw far far then when we were far far then they threw infront infront.Then mie n XinYing run until like crazy woman.hahaz.But overall,still think that its fun.Then,went home at around 6pm.Now,posting.er n sry for not posting yesterday as i was damn lazy n i used my brother's laptop then i very lazy to transfer picture lor.Wad i did yesterday was around the same as the past two days.
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Tuesday, June 2, 20098:11 PM
Haloo everyone!Today,after supple,went to MAC with my lesbo,XinYi.but nevertheless,still wif XinYing,Aiseen n Pig.then at there,met SiewHui n SiMun.After the lunch,Pig had to go home n when she left,she forgot to take some of her books then we called her to come n take it herself n she kept saying canot canot.Then after that,we kept forcing her to come as the books somehow r quite heavy then she still call us to send to her hus.then we were like WAHLAO!!then we juz kept forcing her to come.But,she still did not turn up.We tried n tried to call her then she had answered the phone but she did not want to say anithing then we were like FUCK LAH!!!then,it had actually wasted SiMun's $1 plus.We were damn angry wif her lor.then we r juz like feeling wanting to juz throw her books into the rubbish bin!but,SiMun sae nehmind lah then she juz brought n sent the books to Pig's hus.then we were like thinking that she is juz very stupid n we felt pity for her lor.then,after that,i straight went to tuition.After tuition,rushed back home then i met Adlin n we played TableTennis tuhgether.it was damn fun but her idiot sister was like kept on interrupting then i was like very angry lor.then around 30 mins,we went home.haha.thats all
hey XinYi,see u tmr!!
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Monday, June 1, 20096:37 PM

Hey readers!
Today went to school for supplementary.In school feeling so upset.haix...btw...the stupid idiot MT teacher go confiscate my pen cover.Damn her lah.all becoz of the stupid NGSHIYU!!!!!
aniwaes,after MT supple,went to PM to join Stars n IceCream wif Pig n Ber.We had our lunch n chat chat there.Then,when 1 by 1 started to disperse,Stars had to go home too so mie n IceCream went to Mac to do HW together.play play n have fun there as well.trying to finish my MathsReview3 there but canot so gave up!!!
At 5pm,we went home.IceCream walked to the bus stop infront of my block n she took 179 home.Then,peeped at her outside my hus.i shouted Aiseen!buhbye!so,she shouted it back.haha so fun!
wanna eat dinner liao
bye!Ezza,Stars n XinYi hope to see a big wide smile on ur face tmr!!!
And orh u all noe wad?I HAVE GOT SO SO SO MANY HW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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