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Sunday, May 31, 20098:39 PM

hiie everyone!haix..not in the mood to post becoz of some reasons n only the two XY noe.but for stars sake,i will post wad i did today.juz now,met jane at 12pm at the busstop near PioneerMall.then,we took bus to library together.then,XinYi n WenLin came to join us.We did some of our HWs there.then,decided to go to MAC to do HW so that it would be more comfortable but WenLin canot folow so she went home.when we were at mac,dun have space so we went to longjohn.we did some so the HW there as well.after awhile,Jane keep saying she wan go SAFRA to see if there is anything interesting so mie n XinYi folowed her there.it was damn hot n sunny.i really regreted folowing.when we were there,we saw alot of small kids playing in the water n we were like very jealous n we were like feeling to want to jump into the pool.after around 20 mins,we went back to JP MAC. we went there to buy some drinks to kill our thirst.meanwhile,we did our HW again.then,suddenly,stars came n i was damn happy coz i missed her alot.stars,thanks for ur listening ears juz now n thanks for consoling me n keeping the things i had said to u confidential.(hope that u understand this word now)then,we took some pictures that i had posted it.we were having alot of fun.
this is all the things i had to say.stars,hope that u enjoy this post.
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Saturday, May 30, 200911:05 PM

Hey Everyone!!!Today in the morning,went to J.P with parents to buy some groceries n had our "Brunch" there.Then,came back n online.Ezza asked mie if i wanna hang out then i said alright.Hence,i decided to go play Badminton.Jane was oso online too so i asked if she wan to folo so she said okay!We met outside the side gate 2 outside our school then we went to Ezza's block badminton court to play.We played there for around 1/2 to 1 hr.Then,we went to Mac to do our HW.Completed my Sci Ws n some of the MCQ in the Psle Booklet.We kept on laughing like hell as well.Then,we went home at around 6pm.Came back,had dinner at around 7.30pm.Then,went to play Badminton again wif my Cousin.Played until arond 10pm then,came back bathe n now posting!We met a Jwps P4 boy but i dun really noe him n we played tuhgether n his maid joined as well.It was fun n oso funny.
Thats all i wanted to report today.hahahazzz.
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Friday, May 29, 20098:53 PM

Hey fwens,sry for not posting the past few days as my com was not right.btw...yesterday,at nite,went to PioneerMall with pipit n we composed a song!n today,after school,went to PioneerMall with XinYi n we composed a song using both of our names as well!it is a tune of Barney!hahaz.We composed the song tuhgether n it was so fun n interesting.hahaz.haix...nothing to write alr...btw...did not take any pictures with XinYi today so i juz put my photo instead.hahaz
BuhBye XinYi!!
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Tuesday, May 26, 20092:30 PM

Halo eveyone!Today did not go school coz stomach ache.I heard that MsWen did not go school today as well.Such a coincidence.hehe.
Yesterday,stayed back after school n played netball.Borrowed the ball from MsLim.We play pass pass pass then shoot.hahas.Then,at around 4.30pm,wanted to pass the pass n the Netball cupboard key back to MsLim but could not find her.So,i called someone for help.Then,chat chat for awhile n went home.On the way home,saw my dad inside his car n he horned mie.I saw him then get on his car n he drove mie home.hahas.
Today stayed at home for the whole day.haix...so sianz....really missed XinYi,XinYing,Wenlin,Ezza n Pipit.Really can't wait tmr to come to meet them again.
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Sunday, May 24, 20094:32 PM
Halo fwenz,sorry for not posting yesterday nite as i joined XinYi,Ezza n Pig straight after coming back from swimming.My face n nose are so red.Haha.I swam there for 2-3 hours.Then,came back for a quick shower n joined them at J.P.Window shopping there then at 5.45pm,Ezza n Pig left while i continued to stay wif XinYi until 6.30pm.During that time,we took pictures n we chat chat chat.After that,I went home.Going to bathe now.
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Saturday, May 23, 200910:18 AM

Halo fwens!Juz changed my blogskin.Actually now,i should be at the SingaporeSportsSchool but i dun wan to go.hahaz.This morning at around 8.30,the stupid kethot go cal mie n ask mie y i nv go n blah blah blah then i canot sleep alr.i have started using com since 8.45am.Btw..later goin swimming wif my bro.hahaz.
Wanna go pack up alr later when come back then post more.
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Friday, May 22, 20098:28 PM

hiie!just finished my dinner.
today,in the morning,kethot(MsLim)came towards mie when i helped MrsNorizham to put her things in 6F.she came to mie as to remind mie to go to the SingaporeSportsSchool for the development programme.but,pipt n i had decided not to go.hahaz.then,she kept on saying tmr bring my waterbottle,meet wad time n then blah blah blah.but,i was like orh orh orh n the thing is i am not goin tmr wif pipit.so,she is juz wasting her saliva.hahahaha(SoStupid!)
after school went to play badminton wif XinYi,Ezza n Pig!!!at first,met XinYi at mac then,Ezza n Pig came to join.but,XinYing canot go out as her mum dun allow n she is like standing at the window looking at us play.hahaz.(FeelSoPityForHer!!!)then,she called mie.we chat chat on the phone then she asked if i wan to stadium to look at the Track&Field pupils have their CCA.then we were like but u can meh?so,she say that she juz tel her mum that she go buy things.hahaz.within 5 mins,she came down n we walked to the stadium.we saw some familiars faces n even MsMonique is there (ThatsOfCozAsSheIsTheInChargeOfTrack&Field).hahaz.then,play play there for awhile.at around 5.30pm,went home.
haix..so exhuasted now.wanna go rest liao.buhbye!
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Thursday, May 21, 20096:50 PM

Yo everyone!haix...so boring n nth to post leh.somemore getting more n more lazier to post.but,nehmind.for the sake of my frenz who wan to noe my interesting lifestyle,i will continue to post.
Today,nth interesting happened.after school,went to stadium after school wif ezza n pig.then,pipit n dayaah came to join us.we kept on laughing n chatting.quite fun.then,mie,pipit n ezzawent to mac.then, went home.haix...so sianz wanna hv dinner liao.bye
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Wednesday, May 20, 20097:14 PM

Haix...burfday is over!!!sry for not posting yesterday so today goin to post more.pls bear wif me if u think that i am abit too long-winded. yesterday,went to J.P to celebrate my burfday wif WenLin,XinYi,Ezza,XinYing,JiaEn,SanYin n Aiseen.hey gals,thanks for letting me to really really enjoy my burfday n giving mie so much presents.
XinYi-really thanks alot ar...u really bought mie alot of presents n thanks for the plastic bag as well...
WenLin-i really really like the set of winnie pooh items.love u so muchie!
Ezza-thank you for ur card.i really appreciate it even though it is juz a card.ur presents are really precious to me n can actually keep that as our bff memory.
XinYing-thanks for knowing me so well n observe that i like the strawberry milk lollipop n buy it for mie n really appreciate that u actually noe that i like winnie pooh!!!hahas btw...thanks for the "WinnieThePooh" file.
SanYin-thanks for the tortise.it helps me to make it easier to massage myself n i will never ever throw away the card even if its as ugly as a witch.
JiaEn-thanks for the so difficult penguin woodblock.it took me hours to do it.hahas.
Aiseen-i have not forget u!i oso have to thank u for the keychain!its cool!n somemore thanks for ur "smelly-pillow".hahaz juz kidding.
i really enjoyed myself very much yesterday n i have so many presents!love it so much.
Gals-this is my most memorable n belated birthday ever even though my mum is not in singapore n celebrate my burfday wif me on the actual day.thanks for allowing me to enjoy myself so much n made me laugh like crazy yesterday.
hidayah,fizah adlin n juliet,thanks for ur presents as well.i dun mind it is simple or even if its juz a small card,the most important is ur sincere.REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT ALOT!!!!!XD
as for today,nth much to say...haix...failed my mathsT_T.
MotherTongue:A(donoe the marks yet)
sth happy is that improved my Eng.
then,after school,went to playground(705)wif XinYi,XinYing,Ezza n Aiseen.
played badminton n somehow chatting.
Nth much to say.GTG.bye!
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Monday, May 18, 20096:28 PM

Yo everyone!Tomorrow is my burfdae!so excited.hahaz.going out wif some of my besties!!!
btw...continue from yesterday's post,i bought nth....haix....but sth to report is that my bro n sis kept on laughing at my actions n they kept on teasing mie!!SO FED UP N ANGRY!!!!!dun wan say anithing about yesterday
liao lah.
For today,after school,supplementary(MT).
Ezza n Pipt no supplementary so they wait for mie n pig as we decided to go mac tuhgether.Berber said that she wanted to folo us so we say ok lor but,she cant wait to go as we were waiting for ezza so i say lah u n pig so first lor,hence,they went there first.but,after they left,we were so lazy n we did not feel like going so we juz left them alone there.hahaz.30mins later,pig called ezza n we actually tried to gif her excuse as we did not really wan to go actually.then,we went to the hall to look for mr tan as we were quite interested in the badminton game.when we were there,he was about to leave,so,he juz call us to play alr then return him the racket the next day.we took turns to play as there were only 2 rackets but we enjoyed ourselves very muchie.suddenly,mr izzudin came in n look at us while we playing.we were like very paiseh like that lor.after a while he asked me if he could play for awhile then i juz said okay so he V.S wif pipit.he did alot of purpose trick!after a while,pipit was tired,hence,she called me to replace her.the mr izzudin purposely hit the shuttlecourt into many different directions n i ran juz like a crazy woman juz because of the shuttlecourt.when mr bryan mai saw us,he actually took another 2 rackets from the staff room n he came to join us.we played double n he teamed wif mr izzudin,whereas,i teamed wif Ivan.Its quite fun n mr mai was really pro.then,at around 4.30pm,they left but we continued playing.we played until 5.30pm then we went home.it was really really fun.
going for dinner now!bye
ToAllMyBestiesThatIsFollowingToJ.PWifMETmr-see u tmr n i will tel u gals wad time to meet!:D
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Sunday, May 17, 20099:38 AM

Yesterday,my mum fwenz came to our hus to celebrate my birthday.so enjoyable!!!i really had alot of fun yeseterday nite even though it is not held on the actual day of my birthday that is on tuesday,19may as my mum going to genting.so,all my besties,hope that u gals can help me to enjoy my birthday as to hang out wif me till late!!!hahaz,but,no worries.it will alwaes be before 7!i really really hope that i can get alot of presents!haha.Lesbo,how i wish i can spend my whole holiday wif u.can u pls pls pls beg ur mum to let u out?(if really cannot nvm lah?).today,going to jp n shop shop shop wif my mum,sis n bro but not my dad coz he still have to work.gtg n prepare now.bye!when come back then tel u guyz wad i bought kays?bye!
something to add on,that is my Birthday Cake n it is bought by my bro n sis!!!
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Saturday, May 16, 20092:47 PM

Haix...so sianz.actually i wanted to post at nite but my lesbo cal me to do it now n its n order,so i juz listen to her.hahaz.juz came back from my aunt hus n ate buffet there as my uncle married.the food ok ok only lah.tonite,my mum fwenz coming to my hus to celebrate my birthday.yipeeee!goin to have fun again.i cant wait next tuesday that is 19th may to come as it is my birthday n my lesbo say she goin to gif me a kiss!!!(hope that she will not lie to mie).nth much to say liao leh.tonite then post more kays?
Lesbo!!!!enjoy reading ar!!!hope u will not be bored anymore!c u at msn!!!
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Friday, May 15, 20098:31 PM

Hey fwenz goin to tel u more on wad i did on today n of corse yesterday....
yesterday,after school,went to mac n have fun there wif aiseen.then we saw mr tan n actually we wanted to follow him to student care to help but in the end we did not coz he said that he will go back to school after sending us to there then we were like huh?so we never go.haha.then,we went to buy bubble tea n saw ezza,juju,pipit n jamie.since we not following to student care,so,went to playground n met ezza,pipit n juju(pig).we played poison catching n we actually juz dash off the road even the traffic lite is still red!!haha cool!then at around 6pm,i went home.
as for today,went to school as per normal then.after school,went to playgrond wif ezza,pipit n ahlee.played badminton n even when its raining.hahaz.at 5.50,rushed home!!!!a fast shower then went to tution.haix....juz finished dinner.gtg liao.bb.
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Wednesday, May 13, 20099:33 PM

Hey everyone!wah lao!!!today's maths paper damn difficult sia.got pass can smile from ear to ear already loh.....haix....sianzzz.then after school,we went to look for ms wen for science questions then went to playground n revise homework oso play badminton.then went home...nth to say liao.bye!!!
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Tuesday, May 12, 20099:02 PM
today, after school,i stayed back wif ezza,icecream,stars,yan n dayaah.we stayed back n asked ms wen qns on science n at around 3.50pm,mdm goh came out of the general office n we asked her qns on the speed corrections.after that,we went to the 705 playground to join stars,icecream n berber n we played badminton together there.it was quite fun lah.we n stars actually hit continuously for 25 times!!pro?haha.then at around 5.35,we went off as i still had to go for tution.at first,we went to mini mart to buy some drinks to kill our thirst.then,i rushed home to have a shower then rushed to tution.after tution,went to p.m wif yan.when we were there,we saw rick coming out from noverty.thats all for today.
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Monday, May 11, 200912:44 PM

hey guyz goin to start to tel u guyz what i did yesterday as a promise.yesterday this group of cousinz came to my grandma hus as well.we watched teveee n chat tuhgether.we start eating the steamboat at around 6.after we had finished eating,ate icecream cake bought from swensen.quite nice lah but if got spongy cake even better!!!hahaz.then after all this things,we slowly dispersed n went home.haix...still got so many homework seh.not in the mood to do.now juz wanting to go out wif my besties especially my lesbo!(wen)nth much to say already lah.gtg.bb
wen's lesbo,

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Sunday, May 10, 20092:00 PM
hey hey everyone!!haix...sianz now at my grandma's hus.waiting the nite to come n celebrate mothers' as well as my early birthday!haha...nothing to say now leh...later when i am back then i will post more n tell u guyz more on wad i had did kays.
gtg n help out now.
buhbye n happy mothers' day~
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Saturday, May 9, 20099:05 PM

hey everyone!er...sry for not posting yesterday as i was so exhausted after coming back from tution.yesterday,ms wen damn fierce all becoz of haziq's words that had hurt her heart.i felt very sad n sorry for her.she was so angry,then she juz flashed all the answers at the vezerlizer(donoe how spell)n called us to copy.mie,lesbo n shufang decided not to copy.then after school,we actually dun understand some of the questions about the science qns so we decided to stay back n asked ms wen.during that half an hour,she go through wif us quite a number of things.then,some of the 6B gals+1 boy came to join as well.she kept on making my shoulder until so itchy but oso fun.thanks to ms wen for teaching quite a number of things during that half an hour.after that,mie yan n ezza went to mac after goin home to have a shower.we did some of our maths qns there.after a while,i called haziq n asked whr is he as we actually wanted to call him to join us as to play tuhgether.then,we played monkey n haziq actually teached me some technics like how to kick high ball n some other things.at around 5.30pm,we went home as i had got tution.after tution,called yan to folow me to pm again coz i wanna buy my correction tape refil.then, i went home.as for today,woke up at 11am n went to jp wif ezza n yan.we did some hw there then go shopping.then, i went to buy sth small but cute for my mum for mothers' day present.then,i went to KFC n i wrapped my present there.at there, saw shaleni n beline.they doin their hw there.after finish wrapping my present,i called ahlee to ask whr r they coz at first heard that they went to stadium so wanna ask if they goin off coz if not,me n ezza joining them.then,i went to join quite a number of frenz n even 1 teacher.there has got stars,sunny,ahlee,icecream,rick n oso mr tan.we chat chat there.have fun there then at 6.35pm,went home.haix...tired now.wanna go rest le
(as for ezza n shariff,cheer up kays?)
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missing my lesbo....
Thursday, May 7, 20096:51 PM

Today,i went to playground wif stars,icecream,ahlee n sunny.We played until like crazy lor.Suddenly,ezza n tat stupid pig came.When i saw her(pig),i juz felt damn angry n i even didn't talk to her coz i juz dun feel like.Then,when they were there stars,icercream n ahlee kept chatting wif them n left mie n sunny alone n we r quite angry coz we r juz like being abandon.(stars n ahlee hope that u noe y me n sunny juz now kept leaving u guyz when we were playing the slide at first.)Then,i suddenly missed my lesbo alot n my feelings suddenly went so low...Lesbo!i really missed u alot!!!!i really cant wait to c u!haix...hope that i can c u as fast as possible!!haix...wanna go miss her more liao.bye
sad sad....
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Countdown Clock
Wednesday, May 6, 20099:10 PM

Make your own Countdown Clocks

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todays report...
Tuesday, May 5, 200910:05 PM

Today went to mac with ice cream n star...Straight after school,we wait for icecream at the canteen as today was actually LC then for the mt LC,she is in different class wif me n star so we waited for her...after that,we decided to go home to bathe first then icecream actually followed mie home coz her hus is actually veri far.We went there for lunch then suddenly simun n siewhui from 6F saw us n they came to join us.We kept laughing non-stop!At around 4+,ezza n juju came n we sat tuhgether.Then,Haziq called me n i told him that i at mac then he actually said that he wanted to join us so we waited for him.When he reached,we went to the playground at 704 n we played sth like catching n alot of weird weird games consists of running.then,mie n haziq kept climbing up the slide n he was damn pro n fast at climbing it.at around 6.05pm,we left n i went to tution.sianz...broke up..hahaz
I wanna go revise NOW!!!!gtg
Buhbye n Nitez
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sorry for not posting so long...
Monday, May 4, 20098:03 PM

This are all my BESTIES!!!

aniwaes,sorry for not posting for such a long time as i dun really have time.But,i promise from now on,i will try my best to post as much as i can!
To all my JELLYFISH members n of course my classmates n even school mates,hope that u guys may pass your examinations with flying colours.
Now,i am goin to say what i did today!
after school,mie, my lesbo(wenlin) n shufang actually waited for ms wen as to ask her qns but she actually rejected us as at first she was having a meeting then she told us that we actually cant stay back due to the swine flu.
haix...sianz...then,when we are about to leave school,i called xinying n asked her where is she n she said that she was at the pioneer mall wif ice cream n i actually went to join her as i dont really feel like going home.
after that,at around 3.30pm we left mac n i actually asked star if i can go her hus wif icecream to do hw.she went out of mac n she called her mum for permission n she had agreed.
i went home for a shower then met them at the minimart near star's hus.we went to buy crackers n more things actually.after 20 mins,we went up to her hus n we started wif our hw.at around 6.30,we left her hus n i accompanyed star to go to pm to buy her dinner.
then,i went home.haix...sooo tired now.feel like resting le.
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